Colombia - Arauca
The cacao trees from this difficult to reach part of Colombia are as old as they come and are related to the Criollo cacao family but now has been genetically identified and cataloged.
The chocolate starts off with a rich toasted biscuit, rich chocolate and red fruit aroma that starts the mouth watering. The chocolate flavor is full and deep with a melange of sun warmed ripe Italian prune plums and a balancing vibrancy of orange citrus hints.

Uganda - Semuliki Forest
Due to its remote location, cacao from this forest where not well known until the hunt for wild cacao was in full swing. It tastes of intense holiday spice laced figgy/date pudding aroma coming off the finished chocolate. The deep chocolate backbone (thanks to the significant Amelonado genetics in the mix) quickly gives way to super sweet caramel and dark brown sugar. Laced throughout with spiced pudding flavors. Some bitterness from cinnamon and clove like flavors round out this well-balanced bean.

Belize - Moho Valley-Maya Mountain
The Maya Mountain cooperative has enabled many small family farmers to be paid well for beans that are cooperatively fermented and dried to perfection. The flavor is subdued bright fruits such as tangy appricot and a little dusty mulberry or fig with a touch of tart tamarind, black tea, and a slightly more restrained chocolate backbone remain.

Bolivia - Wild Harvest
There is a whole story in this chocolate. A story of obession to find the wild cacao deep in the rain forests, of starting the craft chocolate movement by sharing a unique wild bean taste. These beans are tiny but like wild blueberries, they pack alot of flavor.
The chocolate aroma and flavor is bold and undeniably chocolate and cured leaf tobacco and sweet dark fruits. There is a density of flavor unique to truly wild harvested beans.
Although this bean has a mild acidity and a touch of bitterness, it is just enough to balance the fruitiness of this complex bean.

This bean is as fruity as it is environmentally friendly. It is grown on a land preserved to ensure the survival of a bird species - a rare thrush. Zorzal is the local name of this bird and of the bean. Buying this bean helps support the reserve. Even better it is a standout for its
aroma: fudge, tart cranberry and a date sweetness that is on the verge of cloying and its big and bold but also very well rounded flavor. 2021-2 was all bing cherry in the finish, 2023 has dried cranberry comes charging out of the gate with some tart and a bit of nuttiness to balance the natural sweetness.